PTT Stamp Museum
Ankara, Türkiye 2013
Ankara, Türkiye 2013
Client: PTT A.Ş.
Services: Concept Design, Branding, Graphics, Interior and Space Design, Wayfinding, Editorial Prints
Services: Concept Design, Branding, Graphics, Interior and Space Design, Wayfinding, Editorial Prints
Buildig that was brought back to today as Post Office Stamp Museum was designed for "Emlak ve Eytam Bank"
by Austrian architect Clemans Holzmeister who signed for many buildings in Republican period.
by Austrian architect Clemans Holzmeister who signed for many buildings in Republican period.
Building which was restored by PTT also was transformed to a modern museum that exhibits all Turkish Stamp Collections
by Tasarimhane. A museum spreading over 6500 m² and having 5 floors. It was brought back to today in the heart of
Ankara by transforming to a vibrant cultural center.
by Tasarimhane. A museum spreading over 6500 m² and having 5 floors. It was brought back to today in the heart of
Ankara by transforming to a vibrant cultural center.
Story of museum that starts with the motto ”COLLECTIONS THAT WITNESS TO HISTORY" was created with research
and development activities, and excitement of a very big collection that removed from the archieve.
and development activities, and excitement of a very big collection that removed from the archieve.
Ankara Ptt Pul Müzesi, Ankara
Ptt (post, telegraph, telephone) Stamp Museum, Ankara Turkey
Ptt (post, telegraph, telephone) Stamp Museum, Ankara Turkey
"Tarihe Tanıklık Eden Koleksiyonlar" billboard uygulaması
"Collections That Witness to History' billboard application
"Collections That Witness to History' billboard application
Giriş bankosu
Entrance counter
Entrance counter
Pul sergileme posteri
Stamp exhitibition poster
Stamp exhitibition poster
Müze girişi
Museum entranc
Museum entranc
Posta tarihi haberleşme araçları
Communication tools of post history
Communication tools of post history
Türk haberleşme ve posta tarihçesi
Turkish communication and post history
Turkish communication and post history
Türk haberleşme ve posta tarihçesi
Turkish communication and post history
Turkish communication and post history
Filateliye giriş salonu...
Philatelic entrance hall...
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti "Saltanat Kayıkları" Pulu, 2011
Republic of Turkey 'Boats Of Reigns' Stamp, 2011
Republic of Turkey 'Boats Of Reigns' Stamp, 2011
Kat arşivleri
Floor archives
8 Mayıs 1840'ta tedavüle çıkan "Penny Black"
"Penny Black" that was put into circulation on May 8th, 1840
"Penny Black" that was put into circulation on May 8th, 1840
Kronolojik kat: Osmanlı dönemi pulları
Chronological floor: Ottoman-era stamps
1863'de tedavüle çıkan ilk Osmanlı pulu
The first Ottoman stamp that was first put into circulation in 1863
The first Ottoman stamp that was first put into circulation in 1863
Filatelik malzemeler
Philatelic materials
Philatelic materials
Müzenin çocuk kulübü bölümü için yaptığım mekan tasarımı:
Interior design that i did for the kid club department of the museum: